HSTP Reoccurring Jobs
Standard HSTP Service: $125.00 inc gst
Repairs if needed not included.
Invoiced per attendance only.
Convert this month's HSTP Services to Jobs (Done on the first working day of each month)
- Simpro side bar - Reoccurring Jobs
Search: "HSTP"
- Note: All Jobs highlighted white = Not due yet
- Note: All jobs highlighted yellow = Due
- Note: All jobs highlighted grey & can't be selected = Contact needs to be updated - contact the client & ask if they wish to continue with this service (Business will need to supply a PO with the dates how long they want to run the service for)
- Cost Center - HSTP Cost Center - Parts & labour - Check sell price is $110
- Check the "Next due date" collum for Jobs due within this month
- For each job that is due this month go into job - site - history - find the last completed HSTP service job & what date it was completed on (check it is 3 months or more ago) if it is under 3 months change the due date in the recurring job the 3 months from last completed date.
- Check all outstanding invoices have been paid - advise client that HSTP service will not be completed until all bills are paid
- Click the box for each job that is due & needing to be created into a job ready to schedule
- Click "Create Jobs" (In blue at the bottom of page)
- These jobs can now be found at the top of the "Pending Jobs" page
- In Pending Jobs - change all the just converted jobs status to "HSTP"
Scheduling the month's HSTP Services
- Simpro - Side bar - Jobs - Pending
- Status: HSTP
- Download CSV Excel Spreadsheet (Download button, URH Corner)
- In the Excel spreadsheet you only need the following info, delete the rest (Job #, Client & site address)
Go to HSTP
Run Map
& input all the address' or choose the layer with the areas add
- Check if there is a "# rows couldn't be shown on the map" - click "open data" & review the site address needs to be the address & not the site name. Go into Simpro job & copy address into site collom in maps" when it is correct the row will turn white.
- Remember, the tech can only attend a max of 8-10 HSTPs in a single day (equivalent to 10hrs labour in a day including travel)
- Spit the jobs into sections where the address' are closest together - for best productivity
- Each section, arrange the travel map in the best route (If out of Dalby - first & last stop of the day is the workshop)
- Maps should automaticlly tell you how long the round trip will be
- If the tip is less than 10 hours & the tech will have extra time, check the pending / progress jobs & quotes for the same area. You can add these into the route as needed (Talk to the tech first to make sure they have everything they need for this job)
- Review the selected techs schedule for an opening
- Schedule each job for an hour each in the same order as the map run (don't worry about scheduling travel, the tech will do it as they go)
- Send a text to the client in pulse with the "HSPT Scheduled" template message
- Once text is sent lock the booking
- If they respond to cancel the booking they automatically forfeit this run & will be put on the list for the next recurring date (typically in 3 months time - council usually only cares it goes over 6 months). Call the client & ask if they understand this & make a note on their job, cancel & archive it. Unless in Dalby, it can be scheduled on its on if in town.
- Done.